Job is still processing


I was using the easy interface in haddock 2.2 yesterday, but the job is still processing. Usually, I would receive e-mail soon after uploading. And I think there is no problem about my submission (Because I did the same a while ago). So I’d like to know what is wrong about my job or if it’s because of the busy server.


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If still processing then clearly something went wrong. You might try again.
If the problem persists then something is off with the system you are submitting

Actually I have tried four times. And I even created a new account today to submit the job… They are all processing.

Something was wrong on the server.

Can you try again?

I submitted the E2A-HPr demo with the parameters from tutorials. But it is still processing:

And also, I don’t receive any e-mail about the job.

We do have a problem… Investigating.

You might try instead to submit to the 2.4 web server at: