Error: You must supply active and/or passive residues for your first protein


I am following tutorial shown here, however, using different proteins that are specific to my project.

But I am having a problem.

I managed to submit my protein inputs to haddock, but now I am facing a weird error. That is, according to the tutorial, if I click next, without defining active/passive residues, I should proceed to next page, where I will be able to upload the cross-links that I will use as restraints. Quote:
" Step 9: Instead of specifying active and passive residues, we will supply restraint files to HADDOCK. No further action is required in this page, so click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the Input parameters window, which proceeds to the Distance Restraint menu of the Docking Parameters window."

So, I click next, but I am getting this error:
" Error: You must supply active and/or passive residues for your first protein. "
Error: You must supply active and/or passive residues for your second protein.

I tried to deactivate both boxes "Automatically define passive residues around the active residues ", but it still did not work. What I found out is that I can click a Tab “Docking parameters” and access “EXPERT” level, which should allow me to do what I want. So, I emailed you guys with the request for “EXPERT”.

thanks and greetings from Hamburg

Hi Karol

The error came from the fact you only had “easy” access level.
We should make that clear in the raised error message.


Great. Thank you!
