Hello DisVis Support Team,
I tried to run DisVis via the web portal but the submission failed (It tells "An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later. If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details. Faithfully yours, nginx.).
On the submission page it is written “The grid version of DisVis is currently UNAVAILABLE, all submitted jobs will be redirected to the local version”. Does this mean i currently have to run a locally installed version of DisVis or is something else going wrong in my case? Can you estimate when the grid version will be back online again?
Thanks a lot for your help and best wishes,
Hi @dwendscheck, thanks for your interest in DisVis! 
Your post is above two different things;
I tried to run DisVis via the web portal but the submission failed (It tells "An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later. If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details. Faithfully yours, nginx.).
I could not replicate this issue, could you please give me more info about your input data?
On the submission page it is written “The grid version of DisVis is currently UNAVAILABLE, all submitted jobs will be redirected to the local version”. Does this mean i currently have to run a locally installed version of DisVis or is something else going wrong in my case? Can you estimate when the grid version will be back online again?
It does not mean that you need to have a local version, it just means that the calculations will be done in our local cluster instead of distributed over the grid, you will get the results anyway 
Hi @honoratorv, and many thanks for your fast reply!
Yes, you are right it is about two things:
I have two .pdb files and one .tbl file with restraints from crosslinking mass spectrometry and restraints from a crystal structure which partially covers the two interacting proteins. I carefully checked all files if they suit the demands of DisVis but i would love to share my files if you like to check them again. There is maybe an issue with the restraints from the crystal structure: The min and max distance is the same - could this make any trouble?
Alright, sounds good to me!