Installing the HADDOCK webserver locally

is it possible to run the haddock webserver on a local server/cluster?

No - only a local version without the server frontend.

Oh… It looked like it because there should be a cgi directory within the files:

Those only contain a few scripts and not server. We will release this year a brand new server, together with version 2.4 of HADDOCK. But again we will not distribute the server itself. Too complex and we can’t provide the support for it.

Well, thats sad. Is it somehow possible to run HADDOCK on a local server and have users accessing it?

You can run a local version of the software of course. Installed on a local cluster for example.
But it will required manual setup and analysis of runs.

What kind of computing power do you recommend for local setups?

It will depend on how many users.

It would be nice to be able to run on 100 processors for example.
A small cluster with a few nodes would do.

But even a single node with say 48 processors should be quite efficient.