Good day, I am an undergraduate and doing a protein-protein docking, I conducted to trial with my proteins, and I am having a hard time interpreting the result that I have obtained, is this a good or bad result? I’ve already tried to read the available literature, yet I can’t find information about what is a bad and good HADDOCK result. Thank you in advance!
Trial 1:
HADDOCK score -42.7 +/- 23.5
Cluster size 3
RMSD from the overall lowest-energy structure 35.8 +/- 0.1
Van der Waals energy -47.5 +/- 10.9
Electrostatic energy -372.1 +/- 121.8
Desolvation energy 28.8 +/- 5.9
Restraints violation energy 503.9 +/- 104.5
Buried Surface Area 2320.1 +/- 573.3
Z-Score -1.9
Trial 2:
HADDOCK score -99.4 +/- 4.5
Cluster size 43
RMSD from the overall lowest-energy structure 8.8 +/- 0.5
Van der Waals energy -46.0 +/- 8.5
Electrostatic energy -447.4 +/- 96.0
Desolvation energy 30.3 +/- 8.3
Restraints violation energy 58.0 +/- 20.8
Buried Surface Area 2568.2 +/- 61.0
Z-Score -1.4