Error submitting SpotOn Job

Hi all,

This is my first time using the server so it could be an issue on my side - when I try to submit a job for SpotOn i’m getting the error message:

‘Internal Server Error’
‘The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.’

Is anyone else having this or just me?

Use simply https to access it.

And I just successfully submitted a job to SPOTON - no issues.

It could be an issue with the data your are submitting…

Thank you for getting back to me.

You’re right, it’s definitely to do with the data. I’ve deleted the Heme and Cu ion from the PDB and now it is running - does SPOTON not allow these?

It should only use the amino acids - I guess we should check for HETATM

Let us know if it succeed.

I have also a problem submitting a Job. Apparently with the size of the two molecules. I could not find in the web page the size limit. I got this error:

Request Entity Too Large

The data value transmitted exceeds the capacity limit.

The file was 4mqw.xlm, chains B and X
Thank you very much
Tomás SC

Solved… the file has to be pdb not xlm