I have a BGLCNA carbohydrate that is attached to my protein through a N-linked glycosylation (to asparagine). It originally shows up in the PDB file as BGLC, which caused errors, so I changed it to GLC, and the job ran fine. I got good results, but I realized that the carbohydrate had drifted a few angstroms away in the docked poses. I realized that HADDOCK did not recognize the N-linkage. I was wondering if anyone knows a way to create that bond manually. I wanted to create a restraint but since the carbohydrate is a HETATM, I don’t think I can specify the carbon in the sugar molecule.
I was able to just build the bond back while preparing the system for MD simulations, but since the covalent bond is now 4 angstrom, I’m not sure if this will be corrected during minimization/equilibration.
Any advice is appreciated.