What to do with the note : The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL?

Thank you for the prompt answer!
The installation was done by the administrator of the server so I’m not sure how cns was compiled, but apparently I can’t run cns manually. The error I get is:

%SETFPEPS increase value of MXFPEPS2 and recompile
%SETFPEPS error encountered: Could not determine machine epsilon
(CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
WARNING: program encountered a fatal error.
However, in interactive mode, program execution
will continue. Proceed at your own risk.
Program will stop immediately.
Maximum dynamic memory allocation: 0 bytes
Maximum dynamic memory overhead: 0 bytes
Program started at: on
Program stopped at: 15:18:31 on 21-May-2022
CPU time used: 0.0180 seconds
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_DENORMAL

I just looked into this forum (CNS errors before/after recompilation - #23 by garima.tanwar) to try and solve the compilation of cns. I followed the instructions to compile cns again but I get the same error.