Unable to generate topology for ligand SF4. PRODRG did not create the required output

I submitted PDB structures via HADDOCK Server 2.4, which contain SF4, e.g.:

HETATM 2466 S1 SF4 X 412 106.593 23.084 21.145 1.00 56.77 X S

HETATM 2473 FE4 SF4 X 412 107.507 21.347 22.399 1.00 62.48 X FE

However, the server shows the following error:

The following error occurred when processing one of your PDB file: Unable to generate topology for ligand IOD. PRODRG did not create the required output.

How can i submit PDB structure with SF4 ligand.

Thanks for helping.

The question is: Do you need those ligands?

Best to remove all unnecessary “junk” from a PDB file prior to docking…