Unable to generate topology for ligand IOD. PRODRG did not create the required output

I submitted PDB structures via HADDOCK Server 2.4, which contain iodine, e.g.:

HETATM 2656 I IOD A 311 21.537 36.399 1.691 0.50 28.73 I1-

However, the server shows the following error:

The following error occurred when processing one of your PDB file: Unable to generate topology for ligand IOD. PRODRG did not create the required output

Standalone version also complains on missing IOD in topology.

Thanks for your help!

You have to follow the proper nomenclature for your ion, which for HADDOCK is:

- residue name I1
- atom name I-1

See: https://bianca.science.uu.nl/haddock2.4/library

Thank you!