I’m using Prodigy to estimate the binding energy for a number of my docked Haddock complexes.
It provides beautiful data for some complexes, but for others, the program seems to change my file name, and consistently returns the following data (see below).
Do you know what’s going on? Is this an error?
Protein-protein Complex: 2oob
Delta G: -6.2
Kd: 2.7E-05
I also get the following data back:
Number of Interfacial Contacts (ICs) per property:
ICs charged-charged: | 3 |
ICs charged-polar: | 3 |
ICs charged-apolar: | 13 |
ICs polar-polar: | 0 |
ICs polar-apolar: | 2 |
ICs apolar-apolar: | 15 |
Non Interacting Surface (NIS) per property:
NIS charged: | 38.04% |
NIS apolar: | 34.78% |