Hi everyone,
I’m working on predicting protein-protein interaction (6YI3 of SARS-CoV and 1ZJK of MASP2) and cannot submit my job because of following error:
- With the 1ZJK pdb file, it said:
"Issue when parsing the PDB file at line 2743 .
Your PDB contains multiple forms of the same residue MET 586 . This is not supported in the current form. If you would like to supply multiple conformations, please create an ensemble.
ATOM 2179 CE AMET A 586 13.656 -14.153 25.422 0.50 26.69 C (Offending Line) <–
ATOM 32 N ARG 3 11.281 86.699 94.383 0.50 35.88 N (Example Valid Line)"
I tried pdb_selaltloc.py but it didn’t work.
I used HADDOCK 2.4 server.
Please could you guys help me out with this. Many thanks for your time and kindness.