Thanks for your comments!
I paste a section of a protein PDB below, as a reference:
ATOM 1 N HIS A 3 59.884 14.395 8.814 1.00 94.62 N
ATOM 2 CA HIS A 3 61.018 15.129 9.449 1.00 94.29 C
ATOM 3 C HIS A 3 61.937 14.160 10.181 1.00 92.24 C
If I want to edit my pdb, perhaps I could add a # after the atom for a unique name? like the following?
HETATM 1 N 1 1 -3.440 -0.748 3.540 0.00 0.00 N
HETATM 2 N 2 1 -6.280 1.276 1.814 0.00 0.00 N
HETATM 3 N 3 1 -3.375 4.072 6.280 0.00 0.00 N
I have gone thru most of the troubles but failed at a final place:
Error in PDB file.
Issue when parsing the PDB file at line 137 .
Your PDB contains an elemental ion IR without specified charge
in fact, I added a charge to the end of the line, according to PDB handbook:
HETATM 137 Ir IR 12 -4.676 0.378 2.507 0.00 0.00 IR1+
now this is really frustrated. I don’t know how to correct this error.
Can you please help. thnx…
Dear amjjbonvin,
I seemed to have corrected the ion charge issue. But I still can not get through the submission stage, as the following message occurred. I wonder what next I could do.
An error has occurred, here are the details: Error reading ‘/home/enmr/csb_webserver/data/process/haddock24/3592820364/523efefad33d3b70a612dfcc385ce1f2eb2006c4/protein2.pdb’.