PDB file /tmp/499999853.tmp contains no residues

Good morning. would you kindly let me know what error is this
thank you

No residues found in your PDB, probably a problem with your input PDB…
But without more info about what you are docking we can’t help you more.

I got this detail
There was an unknown problem in the processing of your data.
This is either a server error, or some inconsistency in your input has been detected that was not properly reported.
If the error message seems meaningless, forward this email to haddocking@gmail.com
Importantly, do provide the following information:

  • Which interface are you accessing?
  • What is your access level to the HADDOCK server?
  • What kind of molecules are you docking?
    The HADDOCK server is in constant development, thank you for your patience.

Error message>

("<type ‘exceptions.Exception’>:", Exception(‘ERROR: PDB file /tmp/499999853.tmp contains no residues\n’,))

Full error information:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/enmr/services-enmr/HADDOCK2.2/py/prepare_haddock.py”, line 105, in
s = s.convert(HaddockRunData)
File “haddock::HaddockRunParameters.spy”, line 3576, in convert
c = spyder.core.convert(HaddockRunParameters, target, self, deepcopy)
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 267, in convert
ret = do_convert(i,o,arg)
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 254, in do_convert
conv = execute_path(i,arg,path,failed,visited,None,0,None)
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 174, in execute_path
result = execute_path(c.outtype, arg, pathtail, failed, visited, method,splitcounter,methodindex)
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 159, in execute_path
result = f(arg)
File “haddock::haddockserver.py”, line 172, in parameters_to_rundata
r2.passivereslist = spyder.atom.determine_passive_residues(r2.activereslist, surfacelist, pdb, i.auto_passive_radius)
File “spyder.modules.atom::determine_passive_residues.py”, line 3, in determine_passive_residues
distances = pdb.convert(InterResidueDistanceArray)
File “spyder.modules.builtin::Data.py”, line 61, in convert
else: return spyder.core.convert(type(self),target, self, globals())
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 267, in convert
ret = do_convert(i,o,arg)
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 254, in do_convert
conv = execute_path(i,arg,path,failed,visited,None,0,None)
File “spyder.modules.core::pathing.py”, line 159, in execute_path
result = f(arg)
File “spyder.modules.atom::atom.spy”, line 8830, in spyderconverterfunction_4
if s.err is not None: raise Exception(s.err)
Exception: ERROR: PDB file /tmp/499999853.tmp contains no residues

I would appreciate the help

Thank you

Read the error message… and do provide the requested information…