Unfortunately, it won’t let me add a photo here. But with some PDBs (unedited from PDB website) that I add onto the Haddock2.4 website, there are multiple errors. The first being that on the next page where I have to select active residues, only some appear. So it looks something like this: R_ _ SPI _ _ _ _
I am not sure what causes this.
Usually I remove some of the ‘junk’ via ChimeraX. Such as removing water molecules or other non standard residues. Is there an alternative method?
Or sometimes it comes up with: Error in PDB file. Your PDB contains multiple residues with number 60 in chain A or duplicated atom names.
Thank you, I did this then went to add the pdb again but when I submit that tab it comes up with: Error in PDB file. Unknown error: list index out of range
Unfortunately not. After using the pdb tool and trying to put it in the docking again it comes up with this message: Error in PDB file. Unknown error: list index out of range
Hi, I edit my peptide from a known pdb, using chimeraX. On there I can see that my peptide is cyclic and the disulfide bond present. After using the online Haddock2.4, I download the pdb of the top complex. When I observe it in chimeraX, I notice that the cyclic peptide no longer looks bound together and neither is the disulfide bond. Do you know what causes this and how I can change that?
In stick representation I also see the bond break but maybe that is just an issue with ChimeraX. Thank you for checking though, I just wanted to be sure that my haddock scores were accurate