Hi all,
I’m new to PowerFit - I’m trying to fit my monomer model into my low res cryo map (in .mrc) format. However, the job failed and I can’t seem to get access to the log file (run number: evF_3uXWStut). Could anyone offer me help with this, please? Many thanks!
Hello Liyana,
I guess you had access to this page: http://milou.science.uu.nl/cgi/enmr/services/POWERFIT/powerfit/run/evF_3uXWStut
This is an error due to the new version of PowerFit used by the GPU-accelerated server. Could you try submitting to the local server: http://milou.science.uu.nl/cgi/services/POWERFIT/powerfit/submit - uncheck the redirection to grid ressources as illustrated below.

Hope this will help,