Error in the topology generation: prot_psf_mol2 could not be created

I am trying to run haddock2.5 locally, I have it installed on a liunuc HPC cluster. I. am trying to run the protein-protein example with E2A and HPR. It seems to create run1/ correctly and when i run haddock2.5 again inside run1/ it begins but stops with “Error in the topology generation: prot_psf_mol2 could not be created”

The begin/ directory has:
begin]$ ls
e2aP_1F3G.psf e2aP_1F3G.psf_1 file_1.list generate_1.out generate_2.out iteration.cns

and the bottom of generate_2.out has:

if ( &convert = true ) then
NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
COOR> convert=true
COOR> end if
COOR> @@$file
ASSFIL: file hpr_1.pdb opened.
%COOR-ERR: unrecognized command:

which propogates many times and results in:

NEXTCD: condition evaluated as true
%COOR-ERR: unrecognized command:
%PARSER error encountered: Encountered too many parsing errors.
(CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)

ABORT mode will terminate program execution.

Program will stop immediately.
Maximum dynamic memory allocation: 9857944 bytes
Maximum dynamic memory overhead: 1040 bytes
Program started at: 11:47:11 on 22-Nov-2024
Program stopped at: 11:47:11 on 22-Nov-2024
CPU time used: 0.1352 seconds
at the bottom. generate_1.out seems to be fine.

How did you run the example?
Directly from the example dir of your haddock2.5 installation?

Something seems wrong.

Yes I ran it directly from the example directory provided with the haddock2.5 distribution. I am getting similar errors trying to set up my own run in a separate directory.

Describe exactly the steps you are taking.
Did you try using the executable provided in the distribution email? pre-complied for Linux

Something is wrong on your side as haddock2.5 works perfectly fine on our side (it is now powering the HADDOCK server)

PS: Possibly share with us a full archive of the failing run