Hi all,
I’m trying to submit some dihedral restraints for the protein backbone in my Haddock runs. Does anyone know what the file format for this is? I know there’s a link on the website, but it doesn’t seem to work for me.
Hi all,
I’m trying to submit some dihedral restraints for the protein backbone in my Haddock runs. Does anyone know what the file format for this is? I know there’s a link on the website, but it doesn’t seem to work for me.
The file format we’re using is TBL and the restraints must look like the following line:
assign (resid 1 and name c ) (resid 2 and name n ) (resid 2 and name ca) (resid 2 and name c ) 1.0 -125.0 25.0 2
where the generic pattern follows:
assign <atom selection> < atom selection> <atom selection> <atom selection> <force constant> <target dihedral angle> <error range> <exponent>
You can find the information in this paper: http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v5/n5/full/nprot.2010.32.html
I hope this will help!