MDWeb is reporting java runtime environment failure

Hi, I am pretty sure I have my Java Runtime Environment update to the latest and enabled Java applet in my browser. But the protein visualization does not work.

I have asked several friends to try MDWeb on different platforms (linux, MacBook Safari, MacBook Firefox), but we have similar issues. Could you check if this is a problem on the server side?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Sharon,

yes, MDWeb is using a really old JMol version that is now giving problems with most of the modern browsers. Please try to use MDWeb2, which already has JSMol (instead of JMol), avoiding javascript issues.

Also please take a look at the BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb) website, which is a more recent library that can help you on the MD setup and run processes.

Thanks for your interest in our tools!

Hope it helps!


Thanks Adam, also the biobb looks very helpful!