File error in ligand

Hello dears
The 2D ligand structure that has been converted to 3D with Avogadro gives a warning in Haddock that (Error in PDB file. Your PDB contains multiple residues with number 1 in chain or duplicated atom names.) What do you think I should do to fix this warning? :folded_hands:
I am sharing a part of the file

HETATM 1 C UNL 1 1.389 -3.688 1.039 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 2 O UNL 1 2.403 -2.718 0.828 1.00 0.00 O
HETATM 3 C UNL 1 2.754 -2.398 -0.534 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 4 C UNL 1 3.373 -3.619 -1.229 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 5 C UNL 1 1.529 -1.900 -1.316 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 6 C UNL 1 3.801 -1.261 -0.382 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 7 C UNL 1 4.436 -0.735 -1.676 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 8 C UNL 1 5.399 0.433 -1.385 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 9 C UNL 1 6.001 1.115 -2.649 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 10 C UNL 1 6.612 0.024 -3.546 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 11 O UNL 1 4.900 1.713 -3.323 1.00 0.00 O
HETATM 12 C UNL 1 7.087 2.193 -2.300 1.00 0.00 C
HETATM 13 C UNL 1 6.762 3.090 -1.088 1.00 0.00 C

each atom name must be unique

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Thank you for your time.:hibiscus:

Hello again, is there a site that can prepare the file for the Haddock ligand? I manually edited the file and made a mistake, for example, C1, C2, C3
I used PDB-Tools Web but it displayed the structure for a few atoms

simple text editor should work, but do maintain the correct column alignment.

And otherwise as already indicated used tools like RDKit and/or open babel

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