Distorted thiazole ring after docking

I used Haddock web sever for the docking of a small molecule with DNA duplex. Everything went fine, but when I inspected the generated pdb files, I found one of the thiazole rings of the ligand completely distorted. The sulfur atom formed 4 bonds with all atoms in the ring, which looked as a sphere. Has anyone encountered such a problem?.
Thank you in advance

Best regards

This is usually simply a visualization issue - pymol might try to connect atoms that are within a certain distance. Try opening it in a different visualizer.

Thank you for your reply. I used the Discovery Studio , Pymol and Chimera visualizer, however, I faced the same problem. I attached the pdb file for your reference.


Hasan Yaser Hasan Al Niss​

Associate professor

College of Pharmacy
Medicinal Chemistry

T: +97165057427 |

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cluster1_1.pdb (59.8 KB)

Looks like only one of the two groups is giving problems.

What was the starting model?

The starting structure is 2MNE. I modified 2mne structure by replacing the pyridine ring of the ligand with a thiazole ring. The modified pdb file is attached.

Hasan Yaser Hasan Al Niss​

Associate professor

College of Pharmacy
Medicinal Chemistry

T: +97165057427 |

UoS Channel @ LinkedIn UoS Channel @ Twitter UoS Channel @ Facebook UoS Channel @ Instagram UoS Channel @ YouTube


MGB4_ACTAGT.pdb (67.1 KB)

There is indeed something fishy with the second thiazole ring of each ligand. Must come from the way PRODRG defines the topology - we do not have control on that.

However looking at your input model after deleting the connect statements, I do see before running HADDOCK already something strange in the second thiazole. The geometry must not be good from the start for that one. Any optimisation you can do before docking?
Screenshot 2022-07-15 at 16.40.26