Anywhere can generate a proper ligand PDB file? ChemDraw file is not working, and rewrite with pymol also not working

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Anywhere can generate a proper ligand PDB file? ChemDraw file is not working, and rewrite with pymol also not working

You could use RDKit for this. You can generate ligand conformations from SMILE strings directly.

Some examples given in the following tutorial:


HADDOCK2.4 shape-restrained protein-small molecule tutorial


Thank you, but I don’t have a linux workstation available. Can you recommend any windows based software to do it? Many thanks.

You can install RDKit as python package.

You can also use OpenBabel online version (OPENBABEL - Chemical file format converter). For this, please set the following parameters:

  • Output format: PDB - Protein Data Bank format
  • Generate coordinates: 3D
  • Add / Delete hydrogens: Add